Please read today's announcements.
Today's Quiz:
- Definition of Theme: the lesson the author wants you learn having read his/her literary work.
- What is one possible theme for your novel? Include at least three details to support this theme.
- Goal: to prove your read all the novel!
Today's Other Topics:
- Ducks Galore: Must complete part 4. Due today: your two introductions - 1) to the teacher and 2) your Voice Thread script to your classmates. These two intros and your comment on the Voice Thread is a test grade! Today, we record your comments to the Voice Thread...get that tone ready! Two-by-two, you may go out in the hall to record your comment.
- Book Reviews: You now have two due! One over your out-of-class read (which was tohave been read at mid-term!) and now your historical fiction novel. These are to be posted to your blog and Good Reads by Monday. Please refer to the rubric when composing your book reviews. Click here to see the rubric: - WE DID NOT GET TO THIS! WILL START HERE ON MONDAY. Commas: In your lit circle group, punctuate the "Alma Mater" as a review of the endmark and comma rules.
Three parts to Monday's Comma TEST: 1) multiple choice, 2) passage with little punctuation, and 3) three URL's to awesome comma sites...these three sites are to be bookmarked in Delicious with this tag...Comma_Rules.
- Complete 1, and 2! Let's get these items checked off our list!
Caught up and want to get a jump start on next week's project? Click here for an overview of the totem pole project. I do have a few extra copies of Touching Spirit Bear if you would like to read it some this weekend.