Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thursday, Oct 1 ~ 1 A English 11

Good morning!

Please read today's announcements.

Today's Quiz:

  • Definition of Theme: the lesson the author wants you learn having read his/her literary work.
  • What is one possible theme for your novel? Include at least three details to support this theme.
  • Goal: to prove your read all the novel!
Your Historical Novel: In your lit circle, prepare a statement using Etherpad about whether your novel fits into the theme A Pioneer Never Quits.

Today's Other Topics:

  1. Ducks Galore: Must complete part 4. Due today: your two introductions - 1) to the teacher and 2) your Voice Thread script to your classmates. These two intros and your comment on the Voice Thread is a test grade! Today, we record your comments to the Voice Thread...get that tone ready! Two-by-two, you may go out in the hall to record your comment.

  2. Book Reviews: You now have two due! One over your out-of-class read (which was tohave been read at mid-term!) and now your historical fiction novel. These are to be posted to your blog and Good Reads by Monday. Please refer to the rubric when composing your book reviews. Click here to see the rubric:

  3. WE DID NOT GET TO THIS! WILL START HERE ON MONDAY. Commas: In your lit circle group, punctuate the "Alma Mater" as a review of the endmark and comma rules.

    Three parts to Monday's Comma TEST: 1) multiple choice, 2) passage with little punctuation, and 3) three URL's to awesome comma sites...these three sites are to be bookmarked in Delicious with this tag...Comma_Rules.


  • Complete 1, and 2! Let's get these items checked off our list!

Caught up and want to get a jump start on next week's project? Click here for an overview of the totem pole project. I do have a few extra copies of Touching Spirit Bear if you would like to read it some this weekend.

Wed., Sept. 30

Good morning!

Please read today's announcements.

Today's Quiz:

"Is everything always in a circle?" Cole had asked Garvey.

"Why not?" Garvey said. "Life is a circle."

Support or disprove Garvey's claim with evidence from the novel. You should have completed this novel, so I expect to find evidence from throughout the novel.

Today's Other Topics:
  • Ducks Galore: Must complete part 4 by Friday! Due Friday: two introductions.
  • Commas: Three parts to Friday's Comma TEST: 1) multiple choice, 2) passage with little punctuation, and 3) three URL's to awesome comma sites...then bookmark these three in Delicious with this tag...Comma_Rules.
  • Book Reviews: You now have two due!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday, Sept. 28

SSR Time...

Today's announcements.

Writer's Notebook
: Place this definition of plagiarism in your WN.
According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize" means

* to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
* to use (another's production) without crediting the source
* to commit literary theft
* to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.

In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.

Now give your thoughts on why one might plagiarize? Now make the commitment to not plagiarize in this class!

Quiz! Remember tone is the author's attitude towards his/her subject. What is Ben Mikaelsen's attitude toward his subjects...including main character, culture, setting, conflict...other topics? Sorry...not an open-book quiz.

Ducks Galore: Due Friday!
  • # 4 is due on Friday at 8:00 AM

Book Review 1

* Post to your blog and GoodReads.

Lit. Circle

  1. Voice Thread Time! Time to record your introduction. Please hand in a copy of your text when your recording is completed...have your proofread it? Check for no-no's! Now, let's produce an awesome document!

  • Vocabulary: Study the words!
  • Complete novel for Wednesday!

Grammar Time!

  • For the test on Friday, you will need to know three awesome sites to go to for assistance with comma rules. I have provided two here (hint!).
  • Before the test on Friday, you will tag these three sites in your Delicious account...Comma_Rules.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sept. 25: Cafe Gillmore Menu

Good morning!

Read today's announcements here.

Shhhh...we are reading for fifteen minutes! SSR Time!

Book Review 1
Lit. Circle Time!
  • Voice Thread Time!
  • Vocabulary Project
  • Complete novel for Tuesday!
Grammar Time!
  • Comma Review
  • Test next Thursday!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sept. 24: Cafe Gillmore Menu

Good morning!

Shhhh...we are reading for fifteen minutes! SSR Time!

Please read today's announcements here.

  1. Book Reviews: Post on your blog and on GoodReads.
  2. Commas
  3. Ducks Galore: Picture time!
Homework for Monday, Sept. 28:
  1. Finish Touching Spirit Bear for Monday!
  2. Write your introduction for your Voice Thread...due Monday!
  3. Other: turn in all late work! Now! (introductory duck paragraphs and book reviews)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sept. 21

ANNOUNCEMENT: On Wednesday, we start something new! The first 15 minutes of class is SSR time! That's right...always bring your favorite read with you! I have not decided what my read will be, but as I have about fifty novels awaiting me, the challenge is not what to read but which one!

Please check here for today's announcements.

Let's take a moment to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

WRITER'S NOTEBOOK: Please view the following video; then reflect in your WN on the collaborative beauty of Google Docs. Oooopps, it's not here! This one must be blocked. Hummmm...I will work on this for next time...

WRITER'S NOTEBOOK, PART 2: Read the Batesville Guard handout; then discuss in your WN your responsibility as a "digital citizen."

TECH TIME! Today we are going to set up your Google Reader. Please log in to your Google account and select the blue button that says "Reader" across the top. Please add the following blogs to your Reader:


  2. Your peers' blogs.

WRITER'S WORKSHOP. Help! I just glanced over your duck paragraphs, and none of them are typed in the form that we worked through in class. Help, I say! Uh,, we are all behind. MUST type all assignments from this day forth...unless you and I have worked out an agreement or in case, of course, of major emergencies.

  • Ducks Galore Test #1: 1) Introduce your duck to me via your paragraph (Type! Type! Yes! Now!) and 2) introduce your duck to your classmates via Voice Thread. Duck photos in class on Wednesday!
  • Grammar Time: Check the comma exercise.

READER's WORKSHOP: Time for Lit Circles.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sept. 18

Congratuations to our own Ashleigh Rogers for being selected Homecoming Junior Maid

Please read today's announcements.

Writer's Notebook: Click here to read an article in Tuesday's Batesville Guard. In your Writer's Notebook discuss your dedication to being a responsible digital citizen.

REMINDER: Due last time...comma exercise and book review and duck introductory paragraph.

Tech Time! I need your help today! Time to listen...shhh....

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Good morning!

Suggested Timing to Today's Agenda:

  • Grammar: 15 minutes
  • Book Reviews: 30-40 minutes
  • Silent Sustained Reading (SSR): 30-40 minutes.

I had told the students that they would not get to take their novel home, but I changed who's reading what, so this group will be allowed to take their assigned novel home with them.

These novels are based on historical fiction set during the early years of our county. These novels should be a "quick" read (lower reading level); therefore, they need to be completed next week.

Here are the assigned groups (I hope I got the number of books right...please make adjustments as to who is reading what, if needed):

  • Indian Captive: Keaton, Kaitlyn, Chelsea, Alex, Tyler
  • Fever 1793: Justin, Ashley, Padrick
  • Copper Sun: Colton, Cara, Katie, Chynna, Baylee, Ashleigh
Reminder: duck paragraphs are due today!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sept. 16: Today's Agenda

Good morning!

I brought the Homecoming ballots with me! Mr. Sparks is going to bring you some more ballots. Please have the students vote for two junior maids.

Suggested Timing to Today's Agenda:
  • Voting: 5 minutes
  • Grammar: 15 minutes
  • Book Reviews: 30-40 minutes
  • Silent Sustained Reading (SSR): 30-40 minutes.

I had told the students that they would not get to take their novel home, but I changed who's reading what, so this group will be allowed to take Touching Spirit Bear home with them.

This novel should be a "quick" read (lower reading level), but the plot is active and has a great message for all readers.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Sept. 14-15

Check here for today's announcements.

Today's Menu:
  • Commas Rule...or Comma Rules
  • Ducks Galore: from profile to paragraph
  • Literary terms to consider using in paragraph.

I will not be here on Wednesday/Thursday as I will be serving on a committee for the Arkansas Department of Education.

Due in class on Wednesday/Thursday:

  • Your introduction of your duck...
  • Draft your first book review.
  • Study the comma rules...could be a quiz!
  • SSR Time...Touching Spirit Bear.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sept. 10-11: Let's Always Remember...

Today's Announcements.

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing."
- Abraham Lincoln

WRITER'S NOTEBOOK: To mark the anniversary of the bombing of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001, President Bush proclaimed that September 11 be named Patriot Day. On this day, the proclamation asks that flags be flown at half-mast and that the day be marked by ceremonies, candlelight vigils, and other remembrance services.

President Obama has also declared September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance. Please go here to learn more that this.

Even though this day marks the anniversary of a huge disaster, it is called Patriot Day. How does this label change our perceptions about the events of September 11, 2001? Think of the various meanings of the word “patriot.” Is it possible to be a patriot and still disagree with certain aspects of the government? What is the best way to voice criticism of the government?

May we also commemorate this day with poetry? Please read the following poems:

We're Still Standing
Hannah Schoechert

Those twin towers
Standing tall with pride,
Fell with grieving hearts.
Stunned, America cried.

But we're still standing.

Bin Laden tried
To crush our land,
But we stood our ground
With our flag in hand

And we're still standing.

Red for the valor
And the blood that fell.
White for the purity
Our heroes tell.
Blue for the justice
That will be done,
Proving once more
These colors don't run

And we're still standing.

By Hannah Schoechert
A 7th grade student

To The Foolish American

© By Alyssa Marquardt

It kills me to hear you say
That war is just a foolish game
That men and women dare to play
Well I'd like to see you last one day
You obviously don't see the pain
Or the freedom that we Americans gain.
From those brave ones across the sea
The ones that mean so much to me
The ones who give you the right
To stand right there and hold that sign
You'll never see the world as a soldier does.
You'll never see that hate or feel that love.
You worry about work and school
They worry about destructive tools.
They worry about saving and taking lives.
And the freedom of their kids and wives.
We can't appreciate our whole ton.
But they are happy with the last little one.
So before you stand back and point you finger,
Listen to these words I give
And appreciate the life you live.

(Poem accessed at Poetry America.)

Who is the speaker? What is his/her perspective? What are your thoughts on these poem?


Grammar Time! Please punctuate this poem.

Tech Time: Have you created all your accounts? Completed the form and hit submit?

Now let's post to your blog!

  • Choose a topic.
  • Draft your post.
  • Proofread! Then proofread again! Might consider having someone else proofread!
  • Run spell check.
  • Post to your blog.
  • Read your post again...make any necessary revisions...again!
Reading to write your book review? Open up the Book Review Rubric here.

Ducks Galore: Introduce me to you duck! Click here to go to the Mrs. G's Info Page.


  1. Complete your out-of-class read!
  2. Post an entry to your blog.
  3. Draft your introduction of your duck.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sept. 9-10

Please read today's announcements.

Let's complete the tech accounts:

  1. Google (email, blog, Reader, iGoogle)
  2. Penzu
  3. Delicious
  4. GoodReads

When you have all these accounts created, go to the Sept. 8 post and fill out the Google form and hit submit! This is worth a test grade so check all your information carefully!

Ready to blog?

Time to get "quacked" up!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sept. 8: Target Your Digital Identity

Good morning! I hope you had a restful three-day break...welcome back.

Please read today's announcements here.

First, we need to complete the Target test.

Now, we need to complete creating your online accounts:
  1. Google (email, blog, Reader, iGoogle)
  2. Penzu
  3. Delicious
  4. GoodReads

Once you have all these accounts created, please complete this Google form and submit.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sept 3, 2009

Good morning! Please read today's announcements.

Today's menu at Cafe Gillmore:

  1. Create an account at Delicious and GoodReads.

  2. Insert a link at Cafe English 11 for your writing metaphor.

At this point, your digital fingerprint now includes the following accounts

  1. Google (Gmail, Blogger, Documents, Reader, and iGoogle)

  2. Cafe English 11

  3. Penzu

  4. Delicious

  5. GoodReads