Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thurs/Fri: October 29-30

Beta Club meets Friday, Oct. 30 in the library during lunch!

Today's Menu!

  1. SSR
  2. Read today's announcements here.
  3. Writer's Notebook Time: Have you ever felt like there were two "you's" fighting inside you? (Might refer to page 132 of Speak.)
  4. Review The Writer Lady = Laurie Halse Anderson. Read her biography and check out the info on Speak.
  5. New Vocab List.
  6. As you complete the novel, record evidence on the t-chart provided regarding trees used as a symbol.

This nine weeks, we will read three in-class novels/drama: Speak, The Kite Runner or Thousand Splendid Suns, and The Crucible, which will count as four of your six required reads for this grading period. Please complete the other two on your own.

First blog post topic for this nine weeks: The new unit that we are starting is entitled The Bullying Mentality. Prepare a post on this topic in which you give an instance when bullying is the wrong behavior choice and then an instance when bullying is a positive choice. This would be a four-paragraph minimum post.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mon., Oct. 26

Today's menu includes...
  1. SSR
  2. Read today's announcements here.
  3. Totem Poles...need to organize and get your sections printed.
  4. Hand back papers.

Have a stupendous day!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thurs., Oct. 22 Yes, it's that time again!

Now, let's complete the Literary Totem Poles. Below is a slide that I create...a model. I color-coded my, you do not have to color-code, although the colors do look nice!
I need for you to go get all sixteen slides on one presentation and then email to me so that I can print them for you...yes, in color!

  1. We are transitioning from A Pioneer Never Quits to the Anti-bullying Unit. Our first read is Speak. This will be a quick get ready!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mon./Tues., October 19-20

Test today!

When finished with your test, please work on your totem pole sections getting them ready to print. Totem poles need to be completed by the end of class on Wed/Thurs.

Please read this short story for Wed/Thurs!
  • "A Rose for Emily" ~ by William Faulkner
  • Be ready for a quiz next time = first grade of the second nine weeks!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Test on Monday over Thematic Unit!

Reminder: We have a test on the Pioneer Never Quits thematic unit on Monday/Tuesday.

Content that you should review includes...
  1. the two novels: Touching Spirit Bear and the lit circle novel.
  2. the origin myths
  3. vocabulary for the Pioneer Never Quits unit.
  4. terms from you Reader's Workshop.

Have you completed this checklist?

  • handed in our Writer's Notebook?
  • submitted your totem pole paragraphs?
  • completed your blog (three book reviews + one post)?

Are We Friends?

For me to grade GoodReads book reviews, we must first be "friends."

Have you invited me to be your friend? Please check!


Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday, October 16 ~ Homecoming Day

No SSR today.

Lit. Circle:
  1. Work on your Literary Totem Poles. Email completed paragraphs to me.

TEST on TUESDAY! Content includes...

  1. Content of the two novels you read.
  2. Native American Myths
  3. Page one only...Pioneer Never Quits vocabulary.

Writer's Notebooks: Due today!

Blogs/Book Reviews: due noon on Saturday!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wed., Oct. 14

Good morning. Read today's announcements here.

Have you read Jay Asher's Thirteen Reasons Why? He has a blog here. He would be a great author to add to your Google Reader! Remember how to do add a subscription?

Writer's Notebook: Please read the following quote and discuss something in your life you would like to conquer if only you possessed (insert your wording here).

"If we possessed such large canoes,
we would follow you to your land and conquer it,
for we too are men."
~Cherokee Chief, 1543
Writer's Notebook: due today!
Paragraph/Composition Terms TEST today!
Blog/Good Reads: due Saturday at noon.
Lit Circle: Watching you choose your digital tools has been interesting. Gentle reminder: what works for one does not necessarily work for another, and that is okay! Great job working together!
  1. Share your paragraphs. Proof. Edit. Revise.
  2. Determine what information will go on the reverse side of your literary section.
  3. Totem poles will be here on Friday for final presentation!

Lit Circle ~ Novel Time!

  1. Touching Spirit Bear should be completed!
  2. Meet and assume the role you chose!

TEST ON MONDAY over A Pioneer Never Quits!

  1. Two novels: Touching Spirit Bear and other assigned novel.
  2. Articles on Native American myths
  3. Articles on totem poles
  4. Page one of vocab - only page one!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mon./Tues., Oct. 12-13

Read today's announcements here.

Let's have a "ha-ha" moment. Each of the following sentences have two possible meanings...what are they?

  • Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half
  • Hospitals Sued by 7 Foot Doctors
  • Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges
  • Miners Refuse to Work after Death
  • Man Struck By Lightning Faces Battery Charge
  • (Source:

Want to check out a book from Cafe 16 Library? We have a new method of checking out books!

Reminder: Need to submit homework to Mrs. Gillmore? I have created an email just for that very purpose!

Today's Menu!

Writer's Notebook: Reflect on possible topics for your totem pole. WN due in class on Friday!

Lit Circle:

  • Make final totel pole selections.
  • Assign sections.
  • Determine how you want to create your sections.
  • Review paragraph structure. Paragraph/Composition test on Wednesday!
  • HOMEWORK: Draft your paragraphs for Wednesday.

BLOG: You choose the topic.

  • May choose a topic from your Writer's Notebook, the news, other blogs.
  • Then comment on the three blogs following your blog on the class list.
  • Due Saturday by noon.
  • Remember blog posts are a test grade!


  • Book Reviews are due. Should have three reviews on your blog and three on GoodReads...this equals six posts = a test grade!


  • Have your role sheet for your A Pioneer Never Quits novel ready for Lit Circle time on Wednesday!

Friday, October 9, 2009

New Homework Email

From this day forth, please send homework to this email address:

Why a Yahoo email? Our class blogs are set up through my gmail account, and as far as I know, one cannot be logged into two gmail accounts at one time. Therefore, Yahoo it is!


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thurs., Oct. 8 and 9

Friday's Announcements

Today's Menu:

Lit Circle:

  1. Discuss the origin myths. Complete this form.
  2. Assign roles for your group. Choose your next assignment.
  3. Plan your totem pole. Open this handout.
Writer's Workshop:

  • Review terms. See handout (from Mrs. G).
  • See cartoon.
  • Composition Test on Wednesday!



Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wed., Oct. 7

Finalize sentence on Etherpad.

Comma test today!

Ready for the quiz over the Native American origin myths? They were assigned on Monday...


  1. Read Touching Spirit Bear.
  2. Plan your group's totem pole project. Click here for more information.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday, October 5 ~ 1 A

Good morning! You may read today's announcements here.

Today's Menu:

  1. Proofread your Etherpad.
  2. Ducks Galore paragraphs are due now!
  3. Review commas: punctuate the "Alma Mater." Test on Wednesday! Know three great comman sites and their are two! See last Thursday's post for more information.


  1. Read excerpts from The Walum Olum and The Navajo Origin Legend: Text of myths.doc.
  2. Study vocab.
  3. Post your book reviews.
  4. Comma test on Wednesday.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fri., Oct. 2 ~ 1B English 11

Duck paragraphs are due at 8:20!

Through the month of October, we will Focus on Poe...the poet Edgar Allen Poe. Please go here and listen (yes, you need your earphones!) to the production of "The Raven." Please add the terms to your Reader's Notebook.

Comma Test on Tuesday!
  1. In your lit circle group, punctuate the "Alma Mater" as a review of the endmark and comma rules.
  2. Three parts to Tuesday's Comma TEST: 1) multiple choice, 2) passage with little punctuation, and 3) three URL's to awesome comma sites...these three sites are to be bookmarked in Delicious with this tag...Comma_Rules. I have provided two sites here!