Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sept. 21

ANNOUNCEMENT: On Wednesday, we start something new! The first 15 minutes of class is SSR time! That's right...always bring your favorite read with you! I have not decided what my read will be, but as I have about fifty novels awaiting me, the challenge is not what to read but which one!

Please check here for today's announcements.

Let's take a moment to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

WRITER'S NOTEBOOK: Please view the following video; then reflect in your WN on the collaborative beauty of Google Docs. Oooopps, it's not here! This one must be blocked. Hummmm...I will work on this for next time...

WRITER'S NOTEBOOK, PART 2: Read the Batesville Guard handout; then discuss in your WN your responsibility as a "digital citizen."

TECH TIME! Today we are going to set up your Google Reader. Please log in to your Google account and select the blue button that says "Reader" across the top. Please add the following blogs to your Reader:


  2. Your peers' blogs.

WRITER'S WORKSHOP. Help! I just glanced over your duck paragraphs, and none of them are typed in the form that we worked through in class. Help, I say! Uh,, we are all behind. MUST type all assignments from this day forth...unless you and I have worked out an agreement or in case, of course, of major emergencies.

  • Ducks Galore Test #1: 1) Introduce your duck to me via your paragraph (Type! Type! Yes! Now!) and 2) introduce your duck to your classmates via Voice Thread. Duck photos in class on Wednesday!
  • Grammar Time: Check the comma exercise.

READER's WORKSHOP: Time for Lit Circles.

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