Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wed., Oct. 14

Good morning. Read today's announcements here.

Have you read Jay Asher's Thirteen Reasons Why? He has a blog here. He would be a great author to add to your Google Reader! Remember how to do add a subscription?

Writer's Notebook: Please read the following quote and discuss something in your life you would like to conquer if only you possessed (insert your wording here).

"If we possessed such large canoes,
we would follow you to your land and conquer it,
for we too are men."
~Cherokee Chief, 1543
Writer's Notebook: due today!
Paragraph/Composition Terms TEST today!
Blog/Good Reads: due Saturday at noon.
Lit Circle: Watching you choose your digital tools has been interesting. Gentle reminder: what works for one does not necessarily work for another, and that is okay! Great job working together!
  1. Share your paragraphs. Proof. Edit. Revise.
  2. Determine what information will go on the reverse side of your literary section.
  3. Totem poles will be here on Friday for final presentation!

Lit Circle ~ Novel Time!

  1. Touching Spirit Bear should be completed!
  2. Meet and assume the role you chose!

TEST ON MONDAY over A Pioneer Never Quits!

  1. Two novels: Touching Spirit Bear and other assigned novel.
  2. Articles on Native American myths
  3. Articles on totem poles
  4. Page one of vocab - only page one!

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