Friday, October 2, 2009

Fri., Oct. 2 ~ 1B English 11

Duck paragraphs are due at 8:20!

Through the month of October, we will Focus on Poe...the poet Edgar Allen Poe. Please go here and listen (yes, you need your earphones!) to the production of "The Raven." Please add the terms to your Reader's Notebook.

Comma Test on Tuesday!
  1. In your lit circle group, punctuate the "Alma Mater" as a review of the endmark and comma rules.
  2. Three parts to Tuesday's Comma TEST: 1) multiple choice, 2) passage with little punctuation, and 3) three URL's to awesome comma sites...these three sites are to be bookmarked in Delicious with this tag...Comma_Rules. I have provided two sites here!

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